LVL was a fair launch on PancakeSwap without premine or presale.
Users who stake LVL in the LEVEL DAO earn real yield from protocol fees (think of a continuous cash flow in form of BTC, ETH, BNB, and stablecoins).
The intended purpose of LVL is to facilitate access to the protocol. I think many people don’t understand the concept of a true utility token in a functional (financially viable) decentralized service provider like ours. They are still applying a 2016/2019 vaporware ICO mental model, which admittedly is what the industry’s used to. The assumption for most vaporware models is to buy low and dump high. This is not what LVL was designed for. As a genuine utility token, the role LVL is designed to fill is facilitation within the LEVEL ecosystem.
Currently, the token is used to incentivize user acquisition. Once we’ve implemented the dynamic rewards model, traders that are higher on the leaderboard will see a material increase in the LVL rewards they receive, while still keeping the daily emission unchanged. In our upcoming upgrade, the protocol will begin looking at the number of LVL staked in a wallet as it interacts with other functions on the platform. Such as providing liquidity. The goal of the project is to create an entire community-owned liquidity center that is backed by real economics.
The more you use the platform, the more of the platform you own.